Minggu, 08 Juni 2008

IBM aims to cool chips with water

A network of tiny pipes of water could be used to cool next-generation PC chips, researchers at IBM have said.

Scientists at the firm have shown off a prototype device layered with thousands of "hair-width" cooling arteries.

They believe it could be a solution to the increasing amount of heat pumped out by chips as they become smaller and more densely packed with components.

The technology was demonstrated in IBM's 3D chips, where circuits are stacked one on top of the other.

Laying chips vertically, instead of side by side, reduces the distance data has to travel , enhancing performance and saving critical space.

"As we package chips on top of each other....we have found that conventional coolers attached to the back of a chip don't scale," explained Thomas Brunschwiler at IBM's Zurich Research Laboratory.

"In order to exploit the potential of high-performance 3D chip stacking, we need interlayer cooling."

Cool running

Heat is seen as one of the major hurdles of producing ever smaller and quicker chips.

3D chip
It took IBM a decade to work out how to build 3D chips

It is the by-product of the movement of electrons through the tiny wires connecting the millions of components on a modern processor.

As more and more components are packed on to chips - Intel recently launched a processor with two billion transistors, for example - the problems become worse.

As a result, researchers around the world are engaged in a search for the most efficient way to take the heat off the chip industry.

For example, in 2007, US researchers built tiny wind engines that created a "breeze" made up of charged particles, or ions, to cool computer chips.

But the problems are exacerbated in the multi-storey chips which IBM, as well as others, believe offer "one of the most promising approaches" for building future processors.

Each 4 sq cm sandwich is just 1mm thick but pumps out close to 1kilowatt - 10 times that generated by a hotplate.

Conventional cooling techniques such as fans and heat sinks do not work as well with the 3D technology, particularly as heat has to be drawn away from between the individual chips.

To get around this, researchers piped water through sealed tubes just 50 microns (millionths of a metre) in diameter, between individual layers.

Water is much more efficient than air at absorbing heat and so even with tiny amounts of liquid flowing through the system the researchers saw a significant effect.

The idea of pumping liquids around computers is not entirely new. Early mainframe computers had water pumped around them.

High end computers have been "modded" for a number of years with water coolers and various researchers and companies have put forward proposals for directly cooling chips with fluids.

In 2003, Stanford University spin-out company Cooligy showed off its Active Micro-Channel Cooling (AMC) technology which allowed fluids to circulate through hundreds of tiny channels on the upper surface of a chip.

The technology was used in some versions of Apple's Power Mac G5 desktop computer, released in 2004.

IBM has said its water-cooling technology could be in products within five years.(news.cnn.com)

Google's experimental Gmail toys

By Maggie Shiels
Technology reporter, BBC News, Silicon Valley

In a first, Google is opening up its testing process by calling on tens of millions of Gmail users to put new features of the service through their paces.

Gmail Labs has launched 13 settings for users to play around with and tell engineers directly what they think of them.

screen setting
The most popular features will become part of the Gmail product
The new developments, which are only available in the UK and the US, show up as a red tab at the top of the page.

Gmail product manager Keith Coleman says: "This marks a big change in the way the company does product development."

Generally speaking products are tested internally on Google staff for weeks if not for months and then refined before being released to the public.

Never before has the firm opened up the testing process and brought in outsiders on such a large scale. Smaller scaled usability tests have been done with invited visitors.

Mr Coleman says: "We want to take the next step and let Gmail users help us do that refinement."

Old Snakey

The new settings include things like 'Pictures in Chat' which puts portraits in chat sessions, 'Superstars' which lets you put different icons on mail, 'Old Snakey' lets you play the classic game in Gmail, and 'Email Addict' forces you to take a screen break by locking you out of the Gmail for 15 minutes.

Keith Coleman of Gmail
"We are looking for little nuggets of innovation"
Mr Coleman says the features are "Really rough and have gone through no filtering in terms of product analysis or design analysis. They have just gone through a general code review process to make sure they are safe to run."

"They have also gone through less testing than a typical feature would. But what this is is a way to take our ideas and get them out to the public."

After testing, users will get the chance to directly tell the developers what they think of them. The most popular are likely to become a regular part of the Gmail product.

20% time

The service was unveiled to a small group of journalists, including the BBC, who had been invited in to Building 47 at the Googleplex for a rare view of the team at work.

ideas board
Every idea is treated as having value

Normally such spaces are off-limits to people outside of the company.

As well as being shown the new service ahead of release, we were also walked through the offices where engineers take 20% of their time to come up with ideas and work on them. The 20% time is part of Google's core ethos.

"The idea behind Labs is that any engineer can go to lunch, come up with a cool idea, code it up, and ship it as a Labs feature to tens of millions of users," explains Mr Coleman.

Staff write suggestions on a white board to keep track of everything being played around with and who is working on what.

Another display shows how many bugs an upcoming application needs to get fixed and which engineer is working on it.

Spam Tsar

The whole workspace is divided into areas covering various aspects of Gmail from the calendar to documents and from the reader to spam.

Brad Taylor
The 'Spam Tsar' who keeps Gmail free from offers you don't want

The guys fighting to keep spam out of the Gmail inbox are tucked away in a dark corner of the office. Brad Taylor is known as the 'Spam Tsar', a title he quite enjoys.

He has been working on Gmail since its public launch back in 2004 and says he has seen a real growth in the amount of unsolicited email flooding into the system.

"Originally when we launched 25% of email was spam. We caught a lot of that. Over time its grown and grown and currently around 75% of all email is spam and so our job has got a lot harder."

Top secret

In the heart of this open space is the so called 'war room'.

Here around a half a dozen engineers are huddled into a cramped office to work on top secret projects. Everyone there was tight lipped about what the next big thing coming out of the room would be but helpfully quipped that it was a new colour.

war room
Dreaming up the future of Gmail and some new colours!
Todd Jackson, another Gmail product manager, was more serious when he said that what goes on here is kept under wraps and that the engineers don't come out until they have either solved a particular problem or fully developed a new feature.

Situated next to the office cafe is the Usability Lab where Gmail invites small groups of six to eight people to test new applications to see how they will fare with the general public.

Nika Smith, who helps run the Lab, says instead of having a two-way mirror to watch participants and how they interact with a product, they are a little more high tech.

"We have this little hidden camera next to some flowers and one in the corner of the room. We just want to know how they use Gmail and see from the users perspective what their experience is like."

"Then we just watch how they interact with the product and work out what improvements are needed."


Perhaps one of the coolest areas in the Gmail Lab is the site reliability room, which is just past a sign that says "Hippies Use Backdoor".

site reliability room
Making sure the site stays secure can be 'tough work'

Decked out with a slew of monitors and computers, there is also a selection of intoxicating drinks, a drum kit and a couple of guitars. On the wall hangs a whiteboard with a wish-list of things like "surround sound, a Wii Fit machine and a bigger TV".

Mr Coleman says even though the place was empty during our tour, everyone is on a pager and gets an alert when something goes amiss with the site.

The overall Lab space is like any other nondescript office, albeit with a few fun quirks here and there such as naming every printer and copier after TV shows of the 80's like The A-Team and All in the Family.

And one of the ways the Gmail Labs fosters a family atmosphere is by simply relaxing in the sunshine every so often with a barbeque, a regular occurrence here at Building 47 and the rest of the Google empire.

ACAPULCO, Mexico (AP) -- Transmitters will be attached to sharks off the Pacific coast so scientists can monitor their behavior after three surfers were attacked, a Mexican official said.


After sharks killed two surfers, scientists want to learn why the predators are getting close to Mexico's Pacific coast.

Sharks have attacked three surfers in less than a month, two fatally, near the southwestern resort of Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo.

Federal marine authorities will decide how many sharks will get the devices and will begin attaching them in the coming weeks, hoping to learn why the animals are getting so close to the coast, environmental official Nadia Vela said Wednesday.

Scientists will monitor the sharks through satellite, Vela said.

Shark expert Jose Castillo said fishermen will use a special baited fishing line to catch the sharks. At least four men will help hold down the predators on a boat while transmitters are attached to their dorsal fins.

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